Re: Compiling with VC++ 5.0

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 15:16:29 EDT

> You can safely ignore these last warnings, but for tidiness you can
> replace the offending final NULL arguments with 0 (zero), and all should
> be well (except that I have yet to build a DirectSound sfront program
> that runs without glitches...)

Once the present work in updating the control driver framework is finished,
I'm hoping to revisit the audio driver interface to improve its behavior
in this regard -- that said, though, under Linux on a 450 MHz PIII 128 MB
Ram, most of the examples stream out glitch free audio for me. For example:

cd sfront/examples/beat
sfront -aout linux -playback -orc beat.saol -sco beat.sasl
gcc -O3 sa.c -lm -o sa

streams out glich free audio, even with some netscape's computing in
the background and taking some CPU. If the above example (remember the
-playback) glitches using dsound, on similarly-spec'd hardware, its a
sign that the dsound driver could use some work ...


John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

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