Re: Compiling with VC++ 5.0

From: Richard Dobson (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 04:34:45 EDT

Yes, it's just the dsound driver that glitches, I haven't had problems
with file writing, or the Linux audio driver which worked a treat.
Basically, the buffers are not being updated correctly, so there is
always a discrepancy. I think the secondary write that is usually needed
with a DS buffer is not being performed. The interface fucntions are not
ideal from DirectSound's point of view, and probably a separate thread
is needed to track DS buffer positions, as, from all that I have been
told, NotifyPositions() is very unreliable.

Richard Dobson

John Lazzaro wrote:
> > You can safely ignore these last warnings, but for tidiness you can
> > replace the offending final NULL arguments with 0 (zero), and all should
> > be well (except that I have yet to build a DirectSound sfront program
> > that runs without glitches...)
> Once the present work in updating the control driver framework is finished,
> I'm hoping to revisit the audio driver interface to improve its behavior
> in this regard -- that said, though, under Linux on a 450 MHz PIII 128 MB
> Ram, most of the examples stream out glitch free audio for me. For example:
> cd sfront/examples/beat
> sfront -aout linux -playback -orc beat.saol -sco beat.sasl
> gcc -O3 sa.c -lm -o sa
> ./sa
> streams out glich free audio, even with some netscape's computing in
> the background and taking some CPU. If the above example (remember the
> -playback) glitches using dsound, on similarly-spec'd hardware, its a
> sign that the dsound driver could use some work ...
> --jl
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
> lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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